You can MapReduce search using the Module, Function, Args input mechanism. The 
Module is riak_search, the Function is mapred_search, and the args are your 
search query.

I have no idea what it looks like in the Java client, but in the C# client, it 
looks like this:

            var modFunArg = new RiakModuleFunctionArgInput
                Module = "riak_search",
                Function = "mapred_search",
                Arg = new[] {"bucket_name", "name:Al*"}
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Sep 28, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Harshal Dhir wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> Thanks for your response.
> To answer your question. 
> #1: mapreduce will not go thru the entire key list if you feed it a search 
> query on input, only the matched objects [Understood, but the java client 
> doesn’t have a mapreduce search function. We did a custom implementation of 
> this but the response time was still  "very" slow.]
> #2: to rule out any funkiness in the java client have you tried the queries 
> via curl as well? Have tried this as well, the response is significantly 
> quicker than the above mapreduce but still not fast enough.
> # of Objects: 10,000+ 
> Backend Used: bitcask
> # of nodes: 5
> Machine Specs: Amazon EC2 (Large Instance)
> Thanks
> Harshal Dhir | Technical Architect
> solutionset
> P: 510-214-3519  Twitter: @harshaldhir 
> 85 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
> Twitter: @harshaldhir MSN: Jabber: 
> This message is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain 
> confidential or privileged 
> information. Any use of this information by persons other than addressee(s) 
> is prohibited. If you 
> have received this message in error, please reply to the sender and delete or 
> destroy all copies.
> From: Ryan Zezeski <>
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 11:33:56 -0700
> To: Harshal Dhir <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Does Java client support querying large amounts of data from 
> Riak? What is the JSON parse/serialize overhead for such Queries?
> Harshal,
> Harshal,
> If I understand correctly you are trying to retrieve a set of objects that 
> match a given search query?
> 1: mapreduce will not go thru the entire key list if you feed it a search 
> query on input, only the matched objects
> 2: to rule out any funkiness in the java client have you tried the queries 
> via curl as well?
> The nominal latency is going to highly depend on many factors including 
> network, # of objects matched, backend used, machine specs, # of nodes, # of 
> concurrent queries, etc.  My first question would be what is the average 
> result set size coming back for these 4 second latencies (i.e. how many 
> objects are matched by the query)?
> -Ryan
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Harshal Dhir <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We currently using riak java client 0.15.0-SNAPSHOT, but there is no better 
>> interface for RiakSearch at the moment. We are trying to fetch data from a 
>> bucket with million rows, here is a gist of issues we are facing with 
>> different approaches:
>>      • MapReduce:
>>              • Using mapreduce, the data response is just too slow due to 
>> the fact that this is a O(N) operation of going through the keys list.
>>      • Solr Client:
>>              • Using Solr Client, we are able to query but the response 
>> takes a long time about 4seconds to return a nominal result is still slow. 
>> [I heard the normal response time is approx 200ms]
>> Is there a way in the current java client to fetch large amount of data in 
>> nominal time. 
>> What is the recommended approach of saving / retrieving / querying this data 
>> in the fastest possible way?
>> Thanks
>> Harshal 
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