On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Ivaylo Panitchkov
<ipanitch...@hibernum.com> wrote:

Hi, Ivaylo.  What Riak is trying to tell you (though it's being rather
obtuse about it) is that the query you sent doesn't make sense to it.
The problem is that '0' on the final link step.  The link walker
resource doesn't know why that query would be sent, because it's doing
extra work for nothing.

That is, asking for keep=false (_,_,0) on the last phase would cause
riak to traverse those links, but then do nothing with the results it
found.  This wasn't an expected use case, so it ends in error.  I've
filed a bug to make this error more friendly:


If you really do want only the objects found in the first step of the
walk, chop off the second step:,_,1

If you want the object from the final step as well, set that keep to
either 1 or _:,_,1/_,_,1


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