Riak 1.0 is coming soon.
Perhaps it makes sense for client point releases to coincide with server
point releases?

- Kev
c: +001 (650) 521-7791

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Mathias Meyer <me...@paperplanes.de> wrote:

> The short answer: yes, we can and we should. I had that on my radar for a
> while too, because it felt un-Pythonic.
> As for deprecation, there's no specific rule for the Python client yet. I'm
> happy to accept a patch for it for e.g. a version of the client 1.4.0 with
> an announcement that support for these getters/setters will be removed in
> said version. I'm not a fan of removing things in patch versions myself, but
> that's certainly up for discussion. The Python client is quite old and has
> come a long way, so I'm all for getting rid of the cruft that came with it.
> Cheers, Mathias
> On Mittwoch, 14. September 2011 at 13:30, Greg Stein wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > There are some non-Pythonic patterns in riak-python-client that should
> > be pretty easy to switch. Things like client.get_r() and
> > client.set_r() are kinda silly. Python long ago moved past the
> > getter/setter paradigm, with the notion of directly exposing instance
> > attributes. As Guido has said numerous times, "we're all adults here",
> > so we don't need to wrap simple attribute access/change in methods
> > which do exactly that anyways. Just allow apps to directly change it,
> > since the developers doing that *are* adults and know what they're
> > doing.
> >
> > For something like bucket.get_r()... first: it should not have a
> > damned argument that is returned if you pass in a value. That is
> > nonsense. Don't call the function if you're going to pass an argument!
> > The remaining logic looks at a local value, or defers to the client
> > default value. We can make "bucket.r" a property, and create a getter
> > that does the right thing. Applications can then use "bucket.r" and
> > they will get the right logic, rather than the messier
> > "bucket.get_r()".
> >
> > There are similar changes throughout (eg. get_transport).
> >
> > But... this goes back to a question that I've raised earlier: what
> > kinds of API guarantees are being made on the interface? Can we simply
> > get rid of the .get_r() method? If we choose to do so, is there a
> > deprecation policy? With a policy in place, then it would be easier
> > for me (and others) to provide patches, knowing that they conform to
> > compatibility requirements. As it stands, I'd be happy to code a
> > patch, but am wary that my effort would be rejected per some
> > (unstated) policy.
> >
> > I don't know how much of a compatibility policy lies with Basho or the
> > community. Dunno how to help there.
> >
> > And back to the start: can we get the code simplified, and move
> > towards properties?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > -g
> >
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