I would think that the InnoDB backend would be a better backend for the use 
case you're describing.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Sep 14, 2011, at 8:09 AM, Jeremy Raymond wrote:

> Hi,
> I store data in Riak whose keys constantly get overwritten with new data. I'm 
> currently using Bitcask as the back-end and recently noticed the Bitcask data 
> folder grow to 24GB. After restarting the nodes, which I think triggered 
> Bitcask merge, the data went down to 96MB. Today the data dirs are back up to 
> around 500MB. Would an alternate backend better suit this type of use case 
> where keys are constantly being overwritten?
> - Jeremy
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