
If the browser negotiated a gzip response, the results when streaming would
be incorrect (or at least incompatible) if the response were ever larger
than a single chunk. Webmachine would send each chunk through the gzip
compressor individually, whereas browsers would expect the entire response
to be a single gzip blob (with a single header/checksum). At least, that's
why the gzip thing didn't work.  Not sure why Safari broke even when you
turned that off.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 4:04 PM, John Axel Eriksson <> wrote:

> First a little background:
> We've been putting videos in luwak without much trouble for quite a while
> now, small and a little bigger (by bigger I mean around 6 or 7 megs).
> To stream these so far, we've basically done this:
> Get the web app to download the video over http from luwak and store on
> local disk.
> Get nginx, through an x-accel, to actually send it to the client (i.e the
> browser).
> For various reasons this isn't really how we want to do it. There is one
> big reason why we do this currently. We need all clients to authenticate
> through
> our rails-app. So we first tried to have rails send an x-accel to nginx
> which would then proxy to luwak. This won't work because nginx doesn't
> support
> http 1.1, chunked encoding and all that jazz to backends at least (it's
> 2011… why I just don't know).
> Anyway, for a while now we've thrown node.js into the mix(for other
> reasons) and recently I started working on some code for node.js to
> recognize
> x-sendfile (similar to x-accel). I also made it do the same type of
> proxying as nginx can do - but this time it does http 1.1. Unfortunately I
> couldn't get it
> to work. So I started investigating riak/luwak directly. Could we even
> stream a video out of luwak directly? No we couldn't. So the problem goes
> all the
> way back to riak.
> Using Safari it won't stream more than a few seconds and then sound and
> video stops (though the progress bar keeps moving).
> Using Chrome and Firefox I could stream perhaps half the video before more
> or less the same thing happened.
> I then cloned riak and removed one line in
> deps/luwak/src/luwak_wm_file.erl, specifically line 363 -      {"gzip",
> fun(X) -> zlib:gzip(X) end}]. So that the list
> now only contains [{"identity", fun(X) -> X end}]. (Those are the
> default_encodings). I will admit I didn't know exactly what I was doing.
> Built riak and did some more testing. The results were interesting.
> Suddenly Chrome and Firefox would play the whole file through (a .webm).
> Unfortunately Safari still did the same thing, i.e played 4 seconds and
> then stopped video and sound (while still showing progress).
> I didn't try IE and quite frankly I'm afraid that one might just blow up my
> computer…
> Anyway, I just wanted to ask the list if anyone ever tried the same thing
> or if any of the good people at basho knows more than I do (which I suspect
> they do :-).
> Thanks,
> John
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