Hi David,

OK, so there is no easy fix on Linux. I think generating the warning
message will help. Thanks for look into this.

I heard LevelDB has an API to force disk sync. Will Riak support this
option in the future?


Tatsuya Kawano (Mr.)
Tokyo, Japan

twitter: http://twitter.com/tatsuya6502

2011/9/5 David Smith <diz...@basho.com>:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Tatsuya Kawano <tatsuya6...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My colleague checked Bitcask implementation and found that it uses "fcntl 
>> (2)" system call to set O_SYNC flag to the file descriptor. Unfortunately, 
>> O_SYNC being set by this way will be ignored by kernel and has no effect. To 
>> make it work, Betcask should call "open" system call with O_SYNC option.
> Here's the rub -- we use the Erlang VM to open the file and it doesn't
> understand the O_SYNC option (and arguably shouldn't). We'll have to
> patch the VM in order to get it to do the right thing on Linux.
> In the interim, we will probably just generate a warning message when
> using this option on Linux. Thanks for pointing it out!
> D.
> --
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> diz...@basho.com

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