Re: 2. Not that I disagree with removing those values, but is there some
additional benefit that you're expecting by removing the static values?
(just curious)*

 Jonathan Langevin
Systems Administrator
Loom Inc.
Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - - - Skype: intel352

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Greg Stein <> wrote:

> I've got a couple more questions:
> 1. Why is "pycurl" used in the http transport? What benefits does it
> offer? Based on reading the code, I see no additional functionality,
> so I don't understand why this complexity exists. I'd like to submit a
> changeset that just removes it, but would like to understand if there
> is a reason/history for using pycurl.
> 2. What is the policy around the API on the transports? As a concrete
> example, I'd like to remove the HOST and PORT parameters from
> RiakHttpTransport.http_request() (and remove them from the return
> values of build_rest_path()). The parameters are always self._host and
> self._port. Given the semantics of the transport, these would *never*
> change... even by third party code that might call into these
> functions. Would removing these parameters pose problems w.r.t API
> stability guarantees?
> Thanks,
> -g
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