If you can do the inserts in sorted (ascending) key order, then innostore will 
be significantly faster.


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On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:14 PM, David Koblas wrote:

> I'm currently working on importing a very large dataset (800M) into Riak and 
> running into some serious performance problems.  Hopefully this is just 
> configuration issues and nothing deeper...
> Hardware -
>   * 8 proc box
>   * 32 Gb ram 
>   * 5TB disk - RAID10
> Have a cluster of 4 for these boxes all running riak - riak configuration 
> options that are different from stock:
>   * Listening on all IP address ""
>   * {storage_backend, riak_kv_innostore_backend},
>   * innostore section - {buffer_pool_size, 17179869184}, %% 16GB
>   * innostore section - {flush_method, "O_DIRECT"}
> What I see is that the performance of my import script runs at about 
> 200...300 keys per/second for keys that it's seen recently (e.g. re-runs) 
> then drops to 20ish keys per/sec for new keys.
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 3 seconds 250.75 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 3 seconds 258.20 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 4 seconds 240.11 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 5 seconds 177.63 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 4 seconds 246.26 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 5 seconds 184.79 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 5 seconds 195.95 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 47 seconds 21.02 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 44 seconds 22.63 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 42 seconds 23.64 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 43 seconds 22.88 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 45 seconds 22.12 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 43 seconds 22.83 keys/sec
> STATS: 1000 keys handled in 43 seconds 23.11 keys/sec
> Of course with 800M records to import a performance of 20 keys/sec is not 
> useful, plus as time goes on having an insert rate at that level is going to 
> be problematic.
> Questions -
>   Is there additional things to change for imports and datasets on this scale?
>   Is there a way to get additional debugging to see where the performance 
> issues are?
> Thanks,
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