Have you checked that your bitcask maximum file size is small enough? Bitcask will only merge *inactive* files, so if your active file limit is 500MB and your active file is 320, you won't merge.


On 08/25/2011 06:43 AM, raghwani sohil wrote:
I have deleted all the keys from all buckets manually and *before
deleting *the**keys the size of *bitcask

*directory was *64 GB *and after deleting it is showing me the same i.e
*6.4 GB*.

So to run bitcask merging process i have added this line

  {riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [
                             {small_file_threshold, 335544320}

in my app.config  . I have added this line because size of all data file
in bitcask directory are ( < 320 MB ) .

but bitcask merging process is not running . Is there  any solution to
run bitcask merge process so that i can reduce size of my bitcask
directory ??

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