Hi TJ,

The bucket properties are stored in the ring. The bucket properties stay in
the ring even if the bucket is empty. There is no way at the moment to
remove custom bucket properties from the ring.


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:51 AM, TJ Ninneman <t...@twopeasinabucket.com>wrote:

> > 2) Q --- Is there some way to remove an empty bucket? (via #riak)
> >    A --- If it's empty, it doesn't exist. Buckets are just namespaces
> > + properties.
> Hopefully I'm not asking a question already answered but...
> Out of curiosity, where are the bucket properties stored?  I can set custom
> bucket properties BEFORE I add any keys so they have to be somewhere.  Are
> those left orphaned when all the keys of a given namespace are removed?
> Thanks!
> TJ
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