
We thought this was good question, so I went ahead and added it along with your 
example to our knowledge base. You can find it here
 We appreciate your help.


Ian Plosker
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:51 AM, Kelly McLaughlin wrote:

> Tony,
> Yes, you are correct.
> Kelly
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Tony Bussieres wrote:
>> Thanks Kelly!
>> So, if I understood well. 
>> with a config like this :
>> riak_kv_cache_backend_ttl 60
>> riak_kv_cache_backend_max_ttl 300
>> If I put a key at time 0, and access it will disappear after 60 second.
>> If I put a key at time 0, and access it at time 50, it will disappear at 
>> time 110
>> If I put a key at time 0, and access it every 15 seconds, it will disappear 
>> after 300 seconds.
>> I'm I right?
>> Regards,
>> -tony
>> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Kelly McLaughlin <> wrote:
>> Tony,
>> riak_kv_cache_backend_ttl is the amount of time to extend an object's lease 
>> or lifespan when accessed whereas riak_kv_cache_backend_max_ttl is the 
>> amount of time after which no further extensions should be granted. 
>> Kelly
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Tony Bussieres wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Could someone explain with an example what's the difference between :
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend_max_ttl 
>>> and 
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend_ttl
>>> Does the value of riak_kv_backend_max_ttl is also in seconds?
>>> Here's a snippet from the documentation found at 
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend
>>> A backend that behaves as an LRU-with-timed-expiry cache
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend_memory
>>> Maximum amount of memory to allocate, in megabytes (default: “100”)
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend_ttl
>>> Amount by which to extend an object’s expiry lease on each access, in 
>>> seconds (default: “600”)
>>> riak_kv_cache_backend_max_ttl
>>> Maximum allowed lease time (default: “3600”)
>>> Thanks!
>>> -tony
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