Regarding point 8, last I saw, various community members are working on
automating the process for nodes to start up and join a cluster.*

Jonathan Langevin
Systems Administrator
Loom Inc.
Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - - - Skype: intel352

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Mark Phillips <> wrote:

> Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All -
> Pretty amazing Recap to take you into the weekend: new code, meetups,
> Riak hosting, blog posts, and more
> Enjoy.
> Mark
> Community Manager
> Basho Technologies
> ------------------------------------
> Riak Recap for August 17 - 18
> =======================
> 1) 0.3.7 of riakc was just released.
> * Here on PyPI --->
> 2) Adrian Hills wrote a great blog post all about getting started with
> Riak and .NET. Thanks, Adrian!
> * Read here --->
> 3) Forgot to send this one along a few days back... Mariano Peck wrote
> up a blog post about using Riak and Fuel. Thanks, Mariano!
> * Read here --->
> 4) Canvas Hosting launched dedicated Riak hosting today. You'll
> probably want to take a look at this. Also, congrats to @schaapy,
> @bendingoutward, and the rest of the team at Canvas working on this.
> * Details here --->
> 5) We announced the September Bay Area Riak Meetup today. This one is
> happening on 9/8 and will feature Basho DA Dan Reverri giving an
> extensive overview of Riak 1.0/  short talk from Craigh Muth about
> integrating Riak into the Xiki Framework. (And for those of you in
> NYC: don't be surprised if you get your own Riak 1.0 Preview
> Meetup...)
> * Details here --->
> 6) Riak is taking over the next Seattle Scalability Meetup happening
> on 8/24. Greg Perkins from will talking about how they
> use Riak and Riak Search, and yours truly will be covering the Riak
> basics. (And if you're in Seattle and want to grab a beer, let me
> know.)
> * Details and registration here --->
> 7) Rick Olson (@technoweenie) released the code for a URL shortener
> they pushed into production at GitHub this week. Rumor has it that
> it's backed by Riak. Thanks, Rick!
> * Repo for "Guillotine" here --->
> 8) Q - Is there any way to automatically have riak start up, and join
> the cluster? (via #riak)
>    A - There is nothing built into Riak to make this happen at the
> moment, but it is something that could be scripted fairly easily. Keep
> in mind that the decision to add a node should be a based on detailed
> capacity planning.
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