One question that pops into my mind is are these numbers averages over 3 or 5 
runs or is this a single run?

In my experience with EC2, I've run into I/O inconsistencies when I'm using 
anything less than 1TB drives and a large instance. There's a lot of potential 
for a noisy neighbor to steal I/O or CPU, or memory on the host OS which will 
put pressure on all other guests. 
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Aug 12, 2011, at 2:23 AM, Maria Neise wrote:

> Hey,
> I am doing some benchmarks with Riak and set up a cluster with 6
> server using Amazon EC2. On each server I have GB of data. I am using
> Bitcask as backend and  the Java-API for my client. I have some
> workloads with different proportion of operations, for example insert,
> read and update. I started a workload with 95% read and 5% update and
> achieved a throughput of 1207 operations/second. When I tried out
> another workload with 100% read I only got 228 ops/sec. But I thought
> Riak would be faster with reads than with updates. I would appreciate
> if you could give me a hint, why Riak achieves a higher throughput
> when doing updates and inserts mixed with reads.
> Thank you in advance.
> Cheers,
> Maria
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