Barron, The score is indeed in the KeyData parameter when running a mapred job with a Search query as input. In Erlang the KeyData variable would hold a value something like `{struct, [{score, [1.0]}, {p, [4,16]}, ...]}`. Taking a look at the Java client it seems the functionality doesn't currently exist but a PR is in the works [1]. If I feel ambitious after dinner perhaps I'll see if I can get it working.
-Ryan [1]: On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Barron Logan <> wrote: > hello, > > we are using riak search in our project via the riak-java client. > > using mapreduce over search; we are getting back bucket-key pairs but need > to get the search-related scores for each returned object as well. > > we believe that the score may be in KeyData parameter but are unsure of how > to retrieve it? > > can someone give an example of how to write a custom map function (js?) to > retrieve the score, or give some additional guidance please? > > advTHANKSance, > > -barron > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > >
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