On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Jeff Pollard <jeff.poll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Update: now the node has crashed, due to the following lines in the
> sasl-error.log (see below).  I've also attached the crash dump to this
> email.
> Real quickly though, just to confirm - If we wanted to restore the node from
> a recent backup, the procedure is as simple as:
> Stop the node.
> Restore the bitcask and ring directories from a recent backup (~12 hours
> old) to the node
> Start the node
> That correct?  Any gotchas or anything else I should know about that
> process?

You really only need to do the bitcask dirs, not the ring; also make
sure you move aside the bitcask files created interstitially.

The {error, emfile} problem shows that you're hitting the ulimit -n
for your process. Make sure your ulimit is set appropriately. It can
also be helpful to remove any 0-length *.bitcask.data files.


Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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