Ah, excellent news then! It would be great to have our platform on Riak 1.0
prior to our own 1.0 release, which is looking to be sometime during
September/November, so that's good to hear :-)

Is a roadmap available, or will one be available in the near future?

*Jonathan Langevin
Systems Administrator
Loom Inc.
Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - jlange...@loomlearning.com -
www.loomlearning.com - Skype: intel352*

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:06 PM, David Smith <diz...@basho.com> wrote:

> Jonathan,
> We're planning to ship 1.0 at the end of September. A couple of the items
> that are planned for this release:
> * Secondary indicies
> * Improved MapReduce system (based on riak_pipe)
> * riak_search merged into base product (versus a separate download)
> * Logging system overhaul
> There are (a few) other major features cooking on the branches, but they
> could float in/out of the release depending on a number of internal and
> external factors.
> Hope that helps,
> D.
> --
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> diz...@basho.com
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