I've begun adding Protobuf support to the PHP Client on a branch of my fork
but it's a ways off

- Kev
c: +001 (650) 521-7791

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Scott Lystig Fritchie <
fritc...@snookles.com> wrote:

> gtuhl <r...@uhls.com> wrote:
>  > With Riak, my main challenge is getting this data loaded.  Using the
>  > PHP library I am able to push 100-200 documents/sec.
> A quick grep through the PHP client source suggests that that client
> doesn't support the Protocol Buffers interface to Riak.  Depending on
> the workload, a PB-based client is anywhere from 20% to several hundred
> percent faster than an HTTP-based client.
> You'll definitely want to run multiple clients in parallel, especially
> if/when your cluster is larger than a single box: pointing those clients
> at different cluster members will get you different throughput than
> pointing all clients at a single cluster member.
> Your message hadn't included any messages from the Riak server logs that
> might give hints to why the HTTP service becomes unavailable ... but
> it's likely that there's useful info there.
> -Scott
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