Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All -

This Recap is coming to you live from about 25,000 feet above Northern
California courtesy of Alaska Air's Wifi. (15000ms ping times and 18%
packet loss can't stop the Recap.)

Tons of good stuff to share today: new Ruby code, slide decks, blog
posts, and more.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies

Riak Recap for July 25 - 26

1) Sean Cribbs and the Ripple Team just released version 0.9.7 of the
riak-client and riak-sessions gems.

* Details here ---> http://twitter.com/#!/seancribbs/statuses/95873017992843265

2) This made the List already but it's worth sending them along again:
Rusty's slides from the Secondary Indices talk he delivered at OSCON
on Monday are now available.

* Slides here --->

* Comment thread on Hacker News with a lot of great discussion and Q &
A ---> http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2807968

3) Denish Patel (@DenishPatel), with the help of Brian Clapper
(@neophenix), wrote a great blog post about how easy it is to
configure and use Circonus to monitor your Riak cluster.

* Read here --->

Thanks, Denish and Brian!

4) Google wrote a quick blog post about their recently-released k/v
storage engine LevelDB. Diligent followers of Riak will recall that we
recently added support for LevelDB to Riak. This post has some
extensive benchmarks and also gives a shout out to...Riak :)

* Read here --->

5) Russell Brown added some more details and graphs to the Java Client
benchmarking page on the wiki.

* Read up here ---> http://wiki.basho.com/Java-Client-Benchmark.html

6) There are still a few seats left for tomorrow's "Riak at
Formspring" talk in San Francisco.

Register here --->

7) Looks like there's a Riak talk happening on August 3rd at the
Austin NoSQL Meetup.

* Details here ---> http://www.meetup.com/austin-nosql/events/27293601/

8) For anyone at OSCON, Basho COO Tony Falco will be participating in
the "Not Only SQL" panel happening tomorrow morning.

* Details here ---> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/schedule/detail/18959

9) OJ Reeves (@thecolonial) added all the necessary links to the wiki
for the new .NET client, CorrugatedIron.

* Scroll down to ".NET" to get all the details if you haven't already
---> http://wiki.basho.com/Community-Developed-Libraries-and-Projects.html

Thanks, OJ!

10) A lot of amazing code landed in master over the last 24 hours. I
would advise you to take a glance at this if you have a moment :)

* On GitHub here ---> https://github.com/basho/riak/commits/master

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