Yes, Andrew -- that is a fine approach to using a connection pool.

Go for it.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Andrew Berman <> wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies guys!
> I just want to make sure I'm totally clear on this.  Bob's solution
> would work well with my design.  So basically, this would be the
> workflow?
> 1.  check out connection from the pool
> 2.  set client id on connection (which would have some static and some
> random component)
> 3.  perform multiple operations (gets, puts, etc.) which would be seen
> as a single "transaction"
> 4.  check in the connection to the pool
> This way once the connection is checked out from the pool, if another
> user comes along he cannot get that same connection until it has been
> checked back in, which would meet Justin's requirements.  However,
> each time it's checked out, a new client id is created.
> Does this sound reasonable and in line with proper client id usage?
> Thanks again!
> Andrew
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Justin Sheehy <> wrote:
>> The simplest guidance on client IDs that I can give:
>> If two mutation (PUT) operations could occur concurrently or without
>> awareness of each other, then they should have different client IDs.
>> As a result of the above: if you are sharing a connection, then you
>> should use a different client ID for each separate user of that
>> connection.
>> -Justin

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