Hi All -

I thought I would send along the rundown on what's happening with
Basho and Riak at OSCON in Portland this coming week.

1) Basho Developer Rusty Klophaus will be giving a talk all about
Riak's forthcoming Secondary Indices functionality.  This one is
happening at Monday at 4:20.

* Details here ---> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/schedule/detail/19806

2) Jeff Kirkell is delivering a talk called "Consistency or Bust -
Breaking a Riak Cluster." Read the description for all the details on
this one. (Please don't break Riak too badly, Jeff.)

* Details here ---> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/schedule/detail/19762

3) There is a "Not Only SQL" Panel happening on Thursday that should
have some Basho/Riak representation on it.

* Details here ---> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/schedule/detail/18959


In addition to Rusty (@rustyio), Basho will also be officially
represented at OSCON by Tony Falco (@antonyfalco), Ryan Zezeski
(@rzezeski) and myself. If you're in Portland over the next week and
want to get together to talk Riak, Open Source, Erlang, or just about
anything else, email me or find one of us on Twitter and we should be
able to find room in the budget to buy you a beer. (Also, if you give
me a heads up early enough that you'll be in town I might be able to
lug you up a Riak T shirt...)

Hope to see you next week.


Community Manger
Basho Technologies

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