Got home from work today to find a package waiting for me from Basho Consisted of a Riak/Basho t-shirt, a variety of Riak & Basho stickers, and a quite-nice-note-on-the-back-of-his-business-card from Mark Phillips :-) Definitely a welcome surprise, as receiving packages always makes it feel like Christmas for me, lol.
Cheers to Mark and all at Basho, thanks for the gifts! Gotta love a company that gives out swag to it's community members, eh? Not like I wasn't already, but now I'm definitely such a fanboy that I'm afraid I'll get a Rasho :-D Thanks again! <> *Jonathan Langevin Systems Administrator Loom Inc. Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - - - Skype: intel352*
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