Do you perhaps mean disk space instead of memory?

If so, and if you have left the N-val at the default of 3, then you
will need at least 60G of space before any other overhead is accounted


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Maria Neise
<> wrote:
> Hey,
> thank you a lot for your hints.
> I have 20000000 records à 1KB. The key is a string like
> "user123456789". I am using the default backend bitcask. There is just
> one machine in the cluster and I didn't change the N-val. I already
> tried to insert the 20GB of data, but 40GB of memory were obviously
> not enough, because only 7000000 records were inserted. So I thought
> mybe 150GB should be enough?
> Cheers,
> Maria
> 2011/7/15 Justin Sheehy <>:
>> Hi, Maria.
>> In addition to what others have said, I would note that (at least) the
>> following issues matter quite a bit for such planning:
>> - how many items the data is broken up into
>> - how large the keys will be (especially if they are very large due to
>> embedded structure)
>> - what storage engine ("backend") is in use
>> - how many machines are in the cluster
>> - the N-val, or how many replicas are being stored (default is 3)
>> If you know those things, then you can make a more meaningful estimation.
>> I hope that this helps.
>> -Justin
>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Maria Neise
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I would like to store 20GB of data with Riak. Does anyone know how
>>> much memory Riak would need for that?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Maria
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