Hello fellow Riakers,

What are the factors that affect how long it takes Riak to do a merge?

In our scenario, doing a merge takes about an hour per node, and that's 
regardless of wether that's a result of Riak deciding to do a merge on it's 
own, us forcing a merge (which we do nightly via cron) or the Riak node has 
been restarted (in which case I believe it also merges the active file). Our 
feeling is that it's the sheer number of keys, and the size of the associated 
data, that's taking so much time[1], as opposed to the size of the journal 
which is being merged.

Sean kindly suggested to us in IRC that reducing the max_file_size setting 
could help because it will keep our data files smaller, meaning that when we 
restart there will hopefully be less data in the active file that just got 
rolled over. But if it's already taking us nearly an hour to merge when we 
don't restart, it sounds to me like a smaller active file won't help. Is that 


[1] We know that we have a lot of old cruft hanging around that we can delete, 
we're in the process of changing our Riak config so that we can have a backend 
with expiry_secs set available. Typically our bitcask data dir takes up 
62GB-72GB per node (~2.5GB per part.), although after restarting and the 
subsequent merge we're seeing this drop to ~32GB per node (~1.1GB per part.).


Misha Gorodnitzky | Senior Application Developer | Mobile Interactive Group

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