Didn't have a close look, but it seems like a bug in riak-js. Please
open an issue at https://github.com/frank06/riak-js/issues

If you have any doubt, *always* prefer `db.get()` and `db.save()`. I
kinda regret having agreed to include `db.update()`. If it's causing
confusion I will have to remove it.



2011/7/6 Mathias Meyer <math...@basho.com>:
> Claus,
> it looks you're mixing up metadata objects with actual data objects when 
> calling update. update does a get/put cycle, where it fetches an object, 
> merges its attributes with the ones you hand over to update() and save the 
> result back. Any change you accidentally pass in the meta object from a 
> different part of your code that's fetching the object initially?
> Mathias Meyer
> Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies
> On Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011 at 00:30, Claus Guttesen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> When saving a new record using db.update() getting the record using
>> curl has alot more info:
>> curl "localhost:8098/riak/users/RQC6seqRIKkBNKQt65QMko3W66"
>> {"props":{"w":"quorum","r":"quorum","big_vclock":50,"old_vclock":86400,"n_val":3,"postcommit":[],"last_write_wins":false,"small_vclock":10,"allow_mult":false,"young_vclock":20,"rw":"quorum","pw":0,"dw":"quorum","linkfun":{"mod":"riak_kv_wm_link_walker","fun":"mapreduce_linkfun"},"name":"users","chash_keyfun":{"mod":"riak_core_util","fun":"chash_std_keyfun"},"basic_quorum":true,"notfound_ok":false,"pr":0,"precommit":[]},"club":"BBIL","mname":"","year":"1967","gender":"male","fname":"Claus","lname":"Guttesen"}%
>> When doing a db.save() with the same data I get:
>> curl "localhost:8098/riak/users/RQC6seqRIKkBNKQt65QMko3W66"
>> {"fname":"Claus","mname":"","lname":"Guttesen","year":"1967","club":"BBIL","gender":"male"}
>> If I do a db.save() first and then a db.update() the information is
>> also terse. Why is db.update() more verbose?
>> I'm using riak-js v. 0.4.0.
>> My idea was to add more information in addtion to name, club, year
>> born, gender. But when I edit the user and save it the previous data
>> gets overwritten. So I changed db.save() to db.update(), saved a new
>> user and noticed alot more info.
>> --
>> regards
>> Claus
>> When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
>> the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.
>> Shakespeare
>> twitter.com/kometen (http://twitter.com/kometen)
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