
LevelDB seems very interesting. Looking at the specs it appears that it should 
be more than fast enough.



From: David Smith [diz...@basho.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:04 PM
To: Evans, Matthew
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak or Cassandra for this...

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Evans, Matthew <mev...@verivue.com> wrote:
> The disadvantages of Riak are:
> 1) Write performance. We need to handle ~50,000 writes per second.

I would note that we are investigating the use of LevelDB in lieu of
InnoDB due to superior write performance and better crash recovery.
50k writes per second is pretty steep, but my belief (although you
should only trust your own benchmarking!) is that LevelDB will get you
close with sufficient nodes.

> I would recommend running our client app from within the same Erlang VM as 
> Riak so hopefully we can gain something here. Alternatively use innostore 
> Erlang API directly for writes.

I would recommend against running in the same Erlang VM, if at all
possible. Running within the same Erlang VM makes it much more
difficult for you to distinguish performance/latency characteristics
of your app versus Riak. It also means that your app or Riak could
adversely affect one another if they cause the VM to crash; you limit
possibilities for a robust system. We encourage people to use the
Protocol Buffers (PBC) API if performance/latency is a concern -- odds
are you'll spend more time waiting on disk I/O than messaging between
two VMs on a loopback socket once the dataset gets big.

Of course, there are always points in time where it's ok to break the
rules -- engineering is the art of tradeoffs, after all. :) I would
just suggest that you shouldn't start with a single VM -- measure
first performance over PBC and see where you can get.

> Questions:
> 1) Is Riak a good database for this application?

There are certainly people who are using Riak for large, time-ordered
datasets and are (insofar as I know) generally happy with their choice
-- for all the advantages you listed earlier. From a features
standpoint, we are also working on a number of features that would
further improve Riak's performance and applicability to this domain
(improvements to MapReduce on large datasets, secondary indexing for
more efficient range searches, availability of LevelDB, etc).

> 2) Can we write to InnoDB directly and still leverage the map-reduce queries 
> on the data?

Nope, sorry. Riak does essential coordination between nodes and needs
to manage the data storage aspect to ensure predictable semantics.

Hope that helps,


Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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