I should have thought of that before. It would have saved me some time. :) 
There's several things in there I can use to help (like RiakResponse, 
IRiakObject, etc...). 

The only thing I would say is that I was wanting to return Futures for 
everything, rather than the responses themselves (and/or take a callback) . 
Maybe introduce a RiakResponseCallback based on the CompletionHandler 
(success/failed/error, etc...) and also have an RawAsyncClient that returns 
Future<RiakResponse> and has a void method version that takes said 
RiakResponseCallback? The synchronous client can just call get() on everything. 


Jon Brisbin 

----- Original Message -----

> From: "Russell Brown" <russell.br...@me.com>
> To: "Jon Brisbin" <j...@jbrisbin.com>
> Cc: "riak-users Users" <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 2:27:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Riak async PB client based on Grizzly

> Hey Jon,
> Any chance you want to implement the RawClient interface (
> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/blob/master/src/main/java/com/basho/riak/client/raw/RawClient.java
> ) from the basho riak-java-client library? That way your client can
> be swapped straight into the basho lib?

> If not, let me know when you get a repo up on github and I'll write
> an adapter so that the basho riak-java-client can make use of your
> Grizzly client, which I guess means I'll pitch in a little (time
> permitting) to help shape the Grizzly client so it is RawClient
> shaped.

> Cheers

> Russell

> On 21 Jun 2011, at 17:58, Jon Brisbin wrote:

> > I'm trying to get my feet wet with Grizzly on another project, so
> > I've been spending some late(ish) nights also working on a
> > Grizzly-based asynchronous PB client for Riak. I'm dropping all the
> > way down to the protobuf level and using Grizzly's NIO abstractions
> > to implement a completely non-blocking client. I'm writing the
> > low-level stuff in Java and I'd really like to build a Scala layer
> > on top of this, which uses the nice Scala idioms (operators, case
> > classes, etc...). But I can't write code as fast in Scala as I can
> > in Java and some of the Java APIs inside Grizzly aren't all that
> > Scala-friendly and make the code pretty ugly. I figured it would be
> > better to implement a fairly low-level PB client in Java and flesh
> > out the user-facing API in Scala and/or Java.

> > My question is basically, if I seed this project on GitHub with
> > what
> > I've got so far, would anyone else be interested in helping
> > complete
> > it? I'm just working on this after my other Grizzly work, so I
> > can't
> > devote full time to it. It might take me a little while to
> > implement
> > things like links and mapreduce.

> > I think it shows some real promise because it is completely
> > non-blocking. It uses Futures and CompletionHandlers to do the
> > dirty
> > work. A Grizzly filter is responsible for the actual
> > encoding/decoding of protobuf data. Right now, it will marshall
> > JSON
> > using Jackson if your content-type is set to "application/json",
> > otherwise it uses JDK serialization to encode the entry (or just
> > passes a String straight through, of course).

> > Since it's a first pass, there is no real attempt to separate the
> > protobuf stuff from the client. That's a v2 thing. Since I have
> > limited time, I'm interested in speed to completion of features
> > rather than good-looking and properly abstracted code. :)

> > Thanks!

> > Jon Brisbin
> > http//jbrisbin.com

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