Or any data from backup? :-)

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Nico Meyer <nico.me...@adition.com> wrote:

> Yes, but the same is true if you restore a relational DB from backup :-D
> Am 16.06.2011 18:49, schrieb Les Mikesell:
>  On 6/16/2011 10:22 AM, Nico Meyer wrote:
>>  Btw, this whole issue is not really Riak specific. It is essentially a
>>> consequence of eventual consistency, where you have to make a trade off
>>> between the amount of bookkeeping information you want to store and the
>>> maximum amount of time (or number of updates) any part of the system can
>>> diverge from the rest of the system before you get undesired results.
>> The 'eventual consistency' description makes you think the system will
>> eventually fix itself, though. But, won't you have a similar scenario - and
>> even more difficult to fix - where for one reason or another you need to
>> restore a backed up bitcask file that contains items deleted after the time
>> the backup was done?
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