
Can we use the Riak Pipe to handle all HTTP requests so that we can use that
as security/application layer and remove the need to put something in front
of Riak.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:20 AM, Bryan Fink <br...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hello again, Community.
> I'm excited to announce the opening of a new beta-status Basho project
> today: Riak Pipe.
> http://github.com/basho/riak_pipe
> Riak Pipe is a new way to distribute work around a Riak cluster.
> The README explains much more than I can here, but essentially Riak
> Pipe allows you to specify work in the form of a chain of function
> pairs.  One function of that pair describes how to produce output from
> input, and the other describes where in the cluster an input should be
> processed.  Riak Pipe handles the details of ferrying data between
> workers by building atop Riak Core's distribution power.
> At this point in time Riak Pipe is BETA-status software.  We'd like
> anyone who is interested in it to take a look and send us feedback.
> Please do not put it into production.  We will be continuing to
> improve Riak Pipe toward a future release date.
> We have two plans for Riak Pipe.  The first is to power Riak's
> MapReduce system with it.  We think Riak Pipe provides a cleaner, more
> manageable subsystem that will provide much easier monitoring,
> debugging, and general use of MapReduce in Riak.  You can see our work
> toward that goal in the "pipe" branch of Riak KV (start at
> src/riak_kv_mrc_pipe.erl):
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/tree/pipe
> Our second plan for Riak Pipe is to expand Riak's MapReduce system
> with more abilities (imagine a keyed-reduce phase, or additional
> processing languages), possibly to the extent of providing an entirely
> separate interface (new query syntax? offline/asynchronous
> processing?).  But for this part, we need your help.
> We have some ideas about what external client interfaces might look
> like.  We also have some ideas about what an external processing
> interface might look like.  We're still in the early phases of
> creating these, though, so if exploring the riak_pipe repository gives
> you ideas, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
> And, again, Riak Pipe is BETA software.  Basho does not support
> running it in production at this time.
> Cheers,
> Bryan Fink
> Senior Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies
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Best Regards,
Eric Fong
riak-users mailing list

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