On 6/1/2011 5:33 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
Hey All,

We've just tagged and released version 0.14.2 for both Riak and Riak
Search. These point releases both consist primarily of patch-level

* Pre-built installations and source tarballs for version 0.14.2 of
Riak are here:

* Pre-built installations and source tarballs for version 0.14.2 of
Riak Search are here:

Release Notes for Riak and Riak Search are available at the following
links (and are also pasted below):

* Riak - https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/riak-0.14/RELEASE-NOTES
* Riak Search -

Are there special instructions for installing the rpm version of riaksearch: riak-search-0.14.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm? The init script seems to want a riaksearch user that it doesn't create and then fails to sudo to the riak user that it does add.

# service riaksearch start
Starting Riak Search: Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

  Les Mikesell

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