Hey Anthony,

Great question. We do have "Code Submission and Integration"
guidelines written up on the wiki:


(They were, admittedly, a touch out of date, so I just updated them to
reflect the current process.)

More specifically, a pull request via GitHub is our preferred method
of code contribution. As that link also points out, patches sent to
the mailing list and submission via issues.basho.com are also both

On a general note, we've seen a marked increase in the number of pull
requests over the last few months (keep them coming!) and this,
combined with internal efforts to build out new features and fix some
long standing issues, has resulted in a bit of a back log. That said,
we're working on them. I can personally assure you that each and every
pull request submitted to date is in our review queue. I'll endeavor
to make sure each new submission is acknowledged with a comment or
email response by myself or another committer. (It's I who is slacking
on this. Apologies.)

Lastly, I have it on my list of medium and long term TODOs to work
with the dev team make our code submission and integration process
more transparent and expeditious where possible; it works, but there
are a few areas in which we can improve. The last thing we want to do
is stifle contributions by being unresponsive.

Thanks for your contributions. And definitely email me or the list
with further suggestions/comments/questions.


Community Manager
Basho Technologies

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Anthony Molinaro
<antho...@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I had a pretty minor pull request against riak_kv
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/pull/105
> which I sent a few weeks ago, however, I've not seen any comments
> or anything.  So I wanted to understand a little better what the
> process for this sort of thing should be.  Is a github pull request
> the preferred mode of communication, or should we also send emails
> or open bugs in the bugtracker?
> Maybe the process is spelled out somewhere and I'm just missing it?
> Or maybe the process is just to submit a pull request and wait and
> I'm impatient ;)
> Thanks for the info,
> -Anthony
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anthony Molinaro                           <antho...@alumni.caltech.edu>
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