I am using Riak using the Erlang Client API (PB) and I was storing my
documents as JSON and then converting them to records when I pull them out
of Riak, but I got to thinking that maybe this isn't the greatest approach.
I'm thinking that maybe it's better to store documents just as the record
itself (Erlang binary) and then just converting the binary back to the
record when I pull them from Riak.  I was wondering what the pros/cons are
to this approach.  Here's my list so far:


Native Erlang is stored, so less time to convert to the record
Better support for nested records
Smaller storage requirements and hence faster on the wire (?)


Not readable through Rekon (or other utils) without modification
Can't use standard M/R functions which analyze the document (have to write
all custom functions using Erlang)
Not portable across languages


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