You can, I've done this, you have to modify the /etc/riak/vm.args to include and start your application (assuming your application has a start/0) function.
So if you have a foo app, you can add something like -pa /usr/lib/erlang/lib/foo-0.0.0/ebin -s foo_app Then if foo_app.erl has something like -module(foo_app). -export([start/0]). -behaviour(application). -export([start/2,stop/1]). start() -> application:start (foo). start(_,_) -> foo_sup:start_link(). stop (_) -> ok. That should do it. -Anthony On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 11:49:28AM -0400, Evans, Matthew wrote: > Hi List, > > I'm new to riak, and I am thinking of using riak to store log file / > statistics information from a client application. The main benefit riak could > offer here are its map-reduce/search capabilities. > > The client side applications are developed in a variety of languages, but in > the end all requests will be tunneled via a light weight API to our own > Erlang "admin" application. > > I've noticed that the riak Erlang API really dispatches requests to the riak > cluster via the gen_tcp module. The logging (insert) rate could be very high, > so what would be neat is if I could embed our Erlang "admin" application > directly into the riak cluster to avoid the IPC hop between the > riak-erlang-client node and the riak node(s). > > Now obviously I can fork the code and implement my own way of doing this, but > the question is there an official way to embed your own code directly into a > riak cluster to avoid that extra IPC hop? > > Thanks > > Matt > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anthony Molinaro <> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list