Hi, Steve.

Check out this page: 

Basically, a "merge trigger" must be met in order to have the merge process 
occur.  When it does occur, it will affect all existing files that meet a 
"merge threshold."

One note that is relevant for your specific use: the expiry_secs parameter will 
cause a given item to disappear from the client API immediately after expiry, 
and to be cleaned if it is in a file already being merged, but will not 
currently contribute toward merge triggers or thresholds on its own if not 
otherwise "dead".


On Jun 7, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Steve Webb wrote:

> Hello there.
> I'm loading a 2-node (1GB mem, 20GB storage, vmware VMs) riaksearch cluster 
> with the spritzer twitter feed.  I used the bitcask 'expiry_secs' to expire 
> data after 3 days.
> I'm curious - I'm up to about 10GB of storage and I'm guessing that I'll be 
> full in 3-4 more days of ingesting data.  I have no idea if/when a merge will 
> run to expire the older data.
> Q: Is there a method or command to force a merge at any time?
> Q: Is there a way to run a merge when the storage size reaches a specific 
> threshold?
> - Steve
> --
> Steve Webb - Senior System Administrator for gnip.com
> http://twitter.com/GnipWebb
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