
So I thought I had a working haproxy configuration with protobuffers (It worked 
once upon a time, but no longer) so I was wondering if anyone had any working 

irb(main):001:0> client = Riak::Client.new(:protocol => "pbc")
=> #<Riak::Client pbc://>
irb(main):002:0> client.ping
Riak::ProtobuffsFailedRequest: Expected success from Riak but received 
server_error. Unexpected EOF on PBC socket

irb(main):008:0> client2=Riak::Client.new(:protocol => "pbc", :host => 
=> #<Riak::Client pbc://>
irb(main):009:0> client2.ping
=> true

If I remove all the servers except for 1 connects but still doesn't really 
work, below is my haproxy configuration I hope it helps.

  listen riak_pbc :8087
  mode tcp
  server app-0 ip-10-170-121-116.us-west-1.compute.internal:8087 check inter 
5000 fastinter 1000 fall 1 weight 50
  server app-1 ip-10-171-43-226.us-west-1.compute.internal:8087 check inter 
5000 fastinter 1000 fall 1 weight 50
  server app-2 ip-10-170-142-202.us-west-1.compute.internal:8087 check inter 
5000 fastinter 1000 fall 1 weight 50

Actual full haproxy erb chef template can be found here 
(if you see anything I should turn off for http please let me know and be 

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