
Can you try running the job like so? do |phase, data|
  puts { phase => data }.inspect

I'd like to see what, if anything comes back from Riak.

Sean Cribbs <>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On May 27, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Sylvain Niles wrote:

> Still looking for advice on this, additionally I'm looking for the
> correct way to call the erlang modules from Ripple. I've tried calling
> it from a reduce like so:
> reduced = 
> [[v.values[0].data], [v.bucket, v.key]];}", :keep =>
> true).reduce(["my_module","my_function"], :keep => true).run
> and I can see that it never gets called, just returns [].
> I can call the module while attached to a Riak console in the cluster
> and it works exactly as expected given the exact output of the
> previous map: [["value"], ["bucket", "key"]]
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! If there's any open source
> code out there using ripple in this fashion I'd love a pointer!
> Thanks,
> -Sylvain
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Sylvain Niles <> 
> wrote:
>> So I've seen a few well written examples of erlang map or reduce
>> functions in the contrib section of the wiki/github but the missing
>> piece of glue for me is: Where do I compile from? I've done a lot of
>> ejabberd development and generally I just throw it in the src
>> directory, add a config param to the ejabberd.conf to load my new
>> module at startup, make install, and I'm done. Should I be deploying
>> my modules to /deps/riak_core/src/?
>> The wiki has this note:
>> Distributing Erlang MapReduce Code
>> Any modules and functions you use in your Erlang MapReduce calls must
>> be available on all nodes in the cluster. You can add them in Erlang
>> applications by specifying the -pz option in vm.args or by adding the
>> path to the add_paths setting in app.config.
>> But the vm.args page does not list the valid config format/options for
>> the -pz option. Is the add_paths behavior such that a valid beam in
>> that dir will automatically be loaded on startup and all exported
>> functions available? What about live code updates of internally
>> developed modules?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> -Sylvain
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