Nico -

To echo Jonathan's sentiments from above, thanks for putting this together!
This is an amazing write-up.

I went ahead and opened a new issue to make sure we get this information
incorporated into the wiki in a timely manner.

<>We'll take a stab at refining
those pages with this and the other Capacity Planning/Calculator feedback
when time permits. Pull requests are, of course, always encouraged.


On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Nico Meyer <> wrote:

>  Everybody feel free to steal from my mail to his/her heart's content :-).
> At the very least its now available in the mailing list archive for easy
> reference (
> ).
> I just hope my use of HTML formatting made it through in a readable state.
> Am 25.05.2011 18:55, schrieb Jonathan Langevin:
> That was one hell of a response. You need to post that as a Wiki article or
> such, after all that work :-O*
>   <>
>    Jonathan Langevin
> Systems Administrator
>   Loom Inc.
> Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - -
> - Skype: intel352
> *
> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Nico Meyer <>wrote:
>>  Hi Anthony,
>> I think, I can explain at least a big chunk of the difference in RAM and
>> disk consumption you see.
>> Let start with RAM. I could of course be wrong here, but I believe the 
>> *'static
>> bitcask per key overhead*' is just plainly too small. Let me explain why.
>> The bitcask_keydir_entry struct for each entry looks like this:
>  [snip]
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