Now trying 500 lines.
-- GWF

Attachment: tail-sasl-error.log
Description: Binary data

On May 6, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Gary William Flake wrote:

> Resending with only the last 1000 lines from the log file, so that the list 
> server doesn't reject it.
> Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
> -- GWF
> <tail-sasl-error.log>
> On May 6, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Gary William Flake wrote:
>> Today, after running fine for a couple of weeks, I had erlang crash, making 
>> it so that riaksearch can only do reads but no writes.
>> Nothing has changed with the code and it had been running fine for weeks 
>> without a problem.  The sasl-error.log is attached.
>> Any ideas what's going on?
>> Thanks,
>> -- GWF

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