HA! I just ran into this limit!
5,000 links like /tablet_users/whoever riaktag=following will cause your
user objects to take upwards of 4 seconds to return, on our beefy
cluster, with a variance of ~3 seconds. (Over HTTP, ruby riak_client.) I
had to move them into the JSON body, which makes things much faster.
Hundreds of links seems just fine.
On 05/04/2011 02:50 PM, Luc Castera wrote:
Sorry for the Lil Kim reference on the subject line, I couldn't help it :-)
In the links documentation on wiki.basho.com <http://wiki.basho.com>, it
"this can substitute as a lightweight graph database, as long as the
number of links attached to a given key are kept reasonably low"
What's considered reasonably low here? tens? hundreds? thousands? millions?
Has anyone published benchmarks or stress-testing results of this
anywhere for me to take a look?
Thank you,
Luc Castera
Phone: 571-765-1982
Skype: luc.castera
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