Hi OJ!

I'm just working through this myself at the moment as I'm trying to make the 
Java PB client behave the same way as the REST client .

On 28 Apr 2011, at 04:23, OJ Reeves wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm currently using Riak to store some user/account/oauth information and I 
> have a need to pull some data while link-walking using the Erlang PBC.
> I have read the post on the Basho blog about how to do link walking using the 
> REST API, and I can see that data for the individual nodes comes back as the 
> nodes are being walked (by specifying 1 at the end of the URI). 
> Unfortunately, after reading the docs, I can't see how to achieve the same 
> result using the PBC. The samples demonstrate how to get information from the 
> links using map/reduce, and I can see how I would use that information to hit 
> Riak again and ask for the content.
> So my question: Is this how link walking should work when using the PBC? Or 
> is there some way of getting the PBC to return the content at the same time 
> as doing the link walking?

I asked yesterday and the answer I received was: no.

> In practice, what I have it a relationship between three entities (a, b and 
> c) that live in different buckets (A, B and C). a has a link to b, and b has 
> a link to c. What I want to do is walk from a to c while taking the following 
> information:
> The value stored in a.
> The key of b and, if b still exists in B, the value stored in b, otherwise 
> nothing/false/failure.
> The key of c and an indication of whether c currently exists in C.
> Currently I link walk and do each step manually and I was wondering if there 
> was a better or more optimal way of performing these actions.

At the moment the plan is running an initial m/r job for the link phases then 
making a second m/r job with all the intermediate results as inputs. So maximum 
2 jobs is my target.

I should think this is a common problem so if you come up with an optimal 
solution you'll make a few friends!

How do you satisfy your requirement with the REST link walker? Specifically how 
do you get the value of *a* returned as part of the result?



> I hope I'm clear!
> Many thanks for any insights you may have.
> Best regards
> OJ
> -- 
> OJ Reeves
> http://buffered.io/
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