hi jeffrey,

before you run riak, run `ulimit -n 1024` (with a number 1024 or
greater) to bump up your max open files limit.

for the other errors, I suspect that the user you're attempting to run
riak as doesn't have the rights to execute those binaries.  can you
double check the permissions on the files to ensure that they are


On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Jeffrey Kesselman <jef...@nphos.com> wrote:
> I downloaded the latest pre-built riak for OpenSolaris and installed it on
> the latest OpenSolaris release.
> When I run bin/riak start I get the following errors:
> riak@opensolaris:~$ bin/riak
> start
> !!!!
> !!!! WARNING: ulimit -n is 256; 1024 is the recommended minimum.
> !!!!
> bin/riak: line 71: /opt/riak/erts-5.7.5/bin/escript: cannot execute binary
> file
> bin/riak: line 79: /opt/riak/erts-5.7.5/bin/run_erl: cannot execute binary
> file
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