Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All - For today's Recap: Blog posts, new code, upcoming talks, Q & A from #riak, and more.
Enjoy and have a great weekend. Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies wiki.basho.com twitter.com/pharkmillups ------------------------- Riak Recap for April 20 - 21 ===================== 1) Jon Brisbin wrote a piece for the Springsource blog (that originally appeared on his personal blog) called "Eventing Data With Riak and RabbitMQ." As you can probably guess, this one talks a lot about the work he's been doing getting Riak and RabbitMQ to play nice together and its potential uses. * Read here ---> http://blog.springsource.com/2011/04/21/eventing-data-with-rabbitmq-and-riak/ 2) Version 0.15 of the Perl client developed and used by Franck Cuny, Robin Edwards, and Linkfluence team was just released. * Details here ---> http://search.cpan.org/~rge/Net-Riak-0.15/ 3) Some more evidence that Erlang Factory London is going to be downright amazing: Kresten Krab Thorup will be giving a talk called "Bringing Riak to the Mobile Platform." Riak Mobile is a component that can be embedded into your iOS or Android application to make it a full Riak replication-aware peer... * Details here ---> http://erlang-factory.com/conference/London2011/speakers/KrestenKrabThorup 4) JB Barth wrote up a great intro blog post to using Riak and Rekon. * Read here ---> http://jbbarth.com/archives/2011/4/21/a_first_sight_at_riak/ 5) Mikhail Sobolev fixed up a few links related to the Python Client. * Commit details here ---> https://github.com/basho/riak-python-client/pull/23 6) For anyone headed to Velocity in June, Justin Sheehy's talk overview was just posted. * All the details here ---> http://velocityconf.com/velocity2011/public/schedule/detail/18143 7) A few job opportunities: * Senior Software Engineer in Santa Clara, CA ---> http://bit.ly/eZaiXu * Data Engineer at Ubermedia ---> http://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=64080 8) Scott Gonyea did some reworking of some ObjC/ObjC++ Riak Protobuf code he published a while ago. * Start here ---> http://twitter.com/#!/acts_as/status/60934187900870656 9) Q --- Can a Riak M/R job modify a stored object? (from alextj via #riak) A --- This is not currently possible. 10) Q --- Are there any plans for the PBC interface to allow a put with no key specified? (from rob_ via #riak) A --- This has just been added (thanks, Andrew!) and will be available in the next release. See: http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-April/003820.html _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com