Riak's design explicitly falls into the AP corner of the widely cited
CAP Theorem.  This means that it gives up consistency.  The scenario
that you are asking about involves consistency in a deep way, and so
is tricky to do with Riak.

Your life will be much easier if you visit
http://blog.nahurst.com/visual-guide-to-nosql-systems and pick a
system that supports consistency from the get go for the part of your
work that requires those semantics.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Jeffrey Kesselman <jef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've been studying Riak and am considering a major technology base
> shift in a project I've been working on for more then  a decade (the
> Project Darkstar/RedDwarf game server.)  As may coming to this from a
> strict RDBMS background I am sure, I am trying to wrap my head around
> vector clocks.
> I read the "Why vector clocks are reasy" blog and think i follow that.
>  My question is this: what if I have multiple data changes to multipel
> data structures that all have to remain in sync (be atomic)? Which
> data strictures are  involved in any one change is not predictable.  I
> can allow for eventual resolution of that consistent state, and even
> change from one consistent state to another, but the state must always
> be consistant.  This is easy to do in a traitional transaction btu im
> having trouble with the VC equivalent.
> As a gedanken experiment picture two players trying to buy a limited
> commodity of which there is only 1 available.  In both cases they are
> attempting to decrement their money, remove the object from the store
> inventory, and add it to their own inventory. Only one can succeed as
> these 3 actions must be atomic.  It is okay for both to initially
> think they succeeded as long as next time we go to look at these
> states they resolve themselves. (Assume a resolution mechanism, for
> argument we can say earliest timestamp wins.)
> This needs to be a general solution, knowledge of what the data
> structures are or do *cannot* be part of the solution.  This means
> that the item cant itself have an "owner" field which is part of the
> disambiguating logic.  Disambiguating all structures (the 2 player
> inventories, the store  inventory and the two players money values)
> must be done without any semantic knowledge of what the data is for.
> Is this possible?  Can someone lay out the solution based on the
> simpel case above?
> Thanks
> JK
> Note that I need a general solutioso any
> --
> It's always darkest just before you are eaten by a grue.
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