hi Dan ,
Actually p.txt contain the same schema as in web i.e
{    schema,    [        {version, "1.1"},        {default_field, "title"},     
   {default_op, "or"},        {n_val, 3},        {analyzer_factory, {erlang, 
text_analyzers, whitespace_analyzer_factory}}    ],    [        %% Don't parse 
the field, treat it as a single token.        {field, [            {name, "id"} 
           {analyzer_factory, {erlang, text_analyzers, noop_analyzer_factory}}  
        %% Parse the field in preparation for full-text searching.        
{field, [            {name, "title"},            {required, true},            
{analyzer_factory, {erlang, text_analyzers, standard_analyzer_factory}}        
        %% Treat the field as a date, which currently uses 
noop_analyzer_factory.        {field, [            {name, "published"},         
   {type, date}        ]},
        %% Treat the field as an integer. Pad it with zeros to 10 places.       
 {field, [            {name, "count"},            {type, integer},            
{padding_size, 10}        ]},
        %% A dynamic field. Anything ending in "_text" will use the 
standard_analyzer_factory.        {dynamic_field, [            {name, 
"*_text"},            {analyzer_factory, {erlang, text_analyzers, 
standard_analyzer_factory}}        ]},
        %% A dynamic field. Catches any remaining fields in the        %% 
document, and uses the analyzer_factory setting defined        %% above for the 
schema.        {dynamic_field, [            {name, "*"}        ]}    ]}.
Muhammad Yousaf

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