On Apr 18, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Jon Brisbin <j...@jbrisbin.com> wrote:
>> If true atomicity is really a concern, then use Redis and write a pub/sub 
>> handler to update your Riak documents whenever things change.
>> You know we could probably take the Riak RabbitMQ postcommit hook and adapt 
>> it to use Redis for something along these lines... :)
> that'd be some insanely crazy R R R combo chain :)

Believe it or not, I'm actually using this ping-pong as a feature. :) I can 
asynchronously store a document and pass it to the next item in the chain via 
postcommit hook, which might, at some point later, send another message that 
gets persisted somewhere else.

But if you're not careful, it's easy to set up a test scenario where you're 
infinitely passing stuff between the components. :)


Jon Brisbin

Twitter: @j_brisbin

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