Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All -

For today's Recap: New code, new wiki pages, new production users, new
slides, new jobs and more.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies

Riak Recap for April 4 - 5

1) MailRank pushed version of their Haskell Client.

* Details here --->

* On GitHub here --->

2) Ripple 0.9 is out!

* Blog post about all the new hotness here --->
* Some contributor praise here --->

3) We added a new entry to the "Who Is Using Riak" page on the wiki:

* Check it out here --->

Who else should be on this page?

4) Justin Sheehy's slides from his recent QCON London talk are
available. These are from a presentation called  "Things Break. Riak
Bends." I would highly recommend you take a few minutes to read these
(and then pass them around to your friends, family and coworkers along
with a link to

* Slides here --->

5) For anyone who happens to be in or around Edinburgh over the next
few days, Mathias Meyer (@roidrage) will be at the Scottish Ruby
Conference which is starting tomorrow  Look him up if you're around
and want chat Riak, databases, EC2 optimizations or coffee.

* Conf details here --->

6) The latest release of Spring Data Key Value with support for Riak
(and something called "Redis") is now available.

* Details here --->

7) Q --- I wrote a large number of objects to a bucket on a RiakSearch
node without the index hook installed. Now that I've installed the
index hook, what's the best way to run the index hook against all the
objects in the bucket? (from KevBurnsJr via #riak)

    A --- You're going to have to rewrite these objects to index them.
Listing all the keys, reading them, and then writing is one way to do

8) We merged a chunk of code from Greg Nelson into the Python client
that fixed an issue related to return_body being ignored on a PUT.

* Details here --->

Thanks, Greg! (On a general note, we are working on merging/reviewing
the current pending Python pull requests as soon as time allows.)

9) We added a few lines to the "Configuration Files" page on the wiki
on disabling nagle.

* Read here --->

10) I'm going to be in Las Vegas tomorrow and Friday. I can probably
steal away for a few seconds to drop off a Riak T shirt and some
stickers for anyone who is in town and is working on something Riak
related. Get in touch ASAP if this is you.

11) Jobs:


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