Just wanted to let everyone know (that doesn't follow me on Twitter ;) that I 
pushed the first cut of a RabbitMQ exchange type that puts messages in Riak to 
my GitHub.


This is not a consumer. This is a custom exchange type that first persists your 
message to Riak, then calls the topic routing logic, which means its also a 
topic queue.

There are some really basic instructions for use in the README. But honestly, 
there's not a lot to it. You publish a message to this exchange, it uses the 
exchange name as the bucket, the routing key as the entry key, and that's about 

It has connection pooling built-in. By default you get 5 clients that get 
load-balanced whenever messages come in. You can make that as high as you want, 
depending on the traffic you intend to put through that exchange.


Jon Brisbin

Twitter: @j_brisbin

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