"Dynamo based apps" is what is throwing me;  Dynamo is a storage paradigm.

So what your'e saying, really, is that riak_core is basically a clustering
configuration on top of OTP, and that Dynamo really doesn't have any play

Wouldn't Dynamo be in the riak-kv layer?


On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Ryan Zezeski <rzeze...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike,
> Riak (to be specific, riak-kv) it built atop riak-core.  The Basho devs
> recognized that a lot of the things that made riak-kv great were more
> general than just key-value storage.  This includes things like consistent
> hashing, virtual nodes, hinted handoff, etc.  They built riak-core as a
> foundation to build Dynamo based apps.  You could use riak-core to build a
> distributed computing cluster (i.e. no data, just for distributing work).
>  One example, a pretty original one I might add too, is Rusty's BashoBanjo
> which uses riak-core to power a "distributed orchestra." [1]
> I think riak-core has a lot of potential beyond it's current usage and I'm
> working on a small but not completely trivial example that I hope to
> illustrate with a blog post.  Specifically, I want to focus on the mechanics
> of the "vnode" as this, AFAICT, is the main player when you want to leverage
> riak-core.  Consider this a teaser to make sure I follow thru on my word :)
> -Ryan
> [1]: https://github.com/rklophaus/BashoBanjo
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Mike Oxford <moxf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I thought I understood Riak, then I ran across the fact that riak_core was
>> split out separately.
>> When would you use riak_core that you wouldn't use Riak?  Is it more
>> ephemeral, with shared state
>> in an ETS ring compared to a storage-backed node?
>> Thanks...
>> -mox
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