All things being equal (which is arrrrtarded[0] because I don't know squat 
about your use case), I would go with choice #2. Main concern would be multiple 
failures before read repair could be executed via #1. Depending on data size 
this could take a long time. 

1. Potential data loss due to multiple failures (node or a raid 0 disk). 
Initially your data will have replicas on other nodes. Read repair would have 
to be done to push your data back to where it should be before another loss 
occurred. Multiple loss = mega bad. 

2. + Easy recovery / - Less performant. 

Unfortunately what the compute nodes buy you are fast ephemeral disk. What you 
need is fast persisted disk. This, imho, is not a good match for a database 
system. Re. EBS - do not use multiple availability zones. Keep all your 
instances in the same location as your disks.  If you want multi datacenter 
redundancy either write it yourself or buy it from Basho. Relying on amazon to 
do this for you is a bad move in this use case. 

Riak is in production on EC2, I'm sure the Basho guys will talk about what they 
can and offer best practices.  

Keep us posted!

[0]Retarded pirate. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: David Dawson <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 17:29:31 
To: <>
Subject: EC2 and RIAK

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