I just spin up brand new ubuntu 32 or 64 bit instances on my mac pro w 16gb 
ram. That's all I need for dev and/or prototyping. Obviously load testing is a 
different animal.

On Mar 28, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Ryan Zezeski wrote:

> At my current job I've had the luxury of 4 dell poweredge servers (CentOS, 
> 128GB, 1-2TB disk, 16-core).
> However, I've been seriously considering either buying some old 1Us and 
> building my own rack in the basement OR 3 used mac mini's from eBay (I'm 
> single so I can do stuff like this).  The nice thing about mini's is they 
> travel...plus they're so darn cute.  The nice thing about an actual rack is 
> it is (probably?) closer to real production deployments.
> I'm also tempted to use older hardware just b/c if you can make it more 
> efficient there then the shinier stuff _should_ automatically get a boost.  
> Although I supposed stuff like NUMA vs. SMP could bite you?  I'm curious to 
> hear what others think.
> Mark, are you allowed to share any statistics related to the setups of actual 
> production users?
> -Ryan
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Mark Phillips <m...@basho.com> wrote:
> I was going to make this part of today's Recap, but upon further
> thinking I concluded that it might deserve its own thread...
> @wmacgyver, @russelldb, and some others exchanged a few messages on
> Twitter yesterday about what dev setup they are using for their
> respective Riak work.
> wmacgyver's response was: "3 macmini server 2.66ghz with 8gb, raid 1
> 500gb=your own ec2 7.5gb node with 500gb ebs. Every dev has a set."
> [1]
> Anyone else care to share their setup? Or have any questions about
> what your dev setup should look like?
> Mark
> 1 - http://twitter.com/wmacgyver/statuses/52117875980386304
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