Ya, my original message just highlighted the standard 0,1,5 that most people/hardware should know/be able to support. There are better options and 10 would be one of them.

@siculars on twitter

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On Mar 22, 2011, at 8:43, Ryan Zezeski <rzeze...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@gmail.com > wrote: Save your ops dudes the headache and just use raid 5 and be done with it.

Depending on the number of disks available I might even argue running software RAID 10 for better throughput and less chance of data loss (as long as you can afford to cut your avail storage in half on every machine). It's not too hard to setup on modern Linux distros (mdadm); at least I was doing it 5 years ago and I'm no sys admin.

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